About NEC – Video Series
Whilst NEC is a global business, we operate very much at a local level here in New Zealand. We are dedicated to keeping our profits in this country and re-investing them back into New Zealand.
Recently, our General Manager, Innovation & Biometrics, Steven Graham, talked at the annual government-led conference, Innovate NZ, where he talked about what NEC actually means here in New Zealand as well as covered a range of topics including:
> Bridging global to local through innovation
> Different types of innovation
> Becoming a global leader in payments
> Partnering for successful innovation
> Building a successful project in two weeks
> Challenges of working with Government
Each of these topics is covered below in a short 90-second video clip and the full conference presentation can be found at the bottom of the page.
What does NEC really mean in New Zealand?
When you hear or see ‘NEC’ what do you think? “I’ve heard of NEC in NZ, but who are they?” Watch the 60-second low down from Steven Graham.
Learn more about our solutions, including biometrics, field services, and smart transportation.
Bridging global to local through innovation
NEC is the world leader in biometrics. But how do you take a global product and adapt it for a local demographic? Watch GM of Biometrics and Innovation Steven Graham tell you how in just 60 seconds.
Learn more about our biometric solutions including facial, fingerprint, and iris recognition.
Types of innovation in 60 seconds
Innovation is at the heart of what we do at NEC New Zealand. Watch Steven Graham tell you how to increase the probability of success in 60 seconds.
In a few weeks, we will open the doors to our new Innovation Hub in Wellington. Watch this space for more info and read more about our commitment to innovation.
New Zealand becoming a global leader in payments
New Zealand was the world-first in EFTPOS payment solutions, and we are once again striving to be the global leader in biometric payments – specifically, Face Pay.
Learn more about Face Pay and the future of digital payments in our recent Market Leadership post.
Partnering for successful innovation
New Zealand offers the amazing opportunity to partner with some of the world’s most creative and innovative minds. Steven Graham talks more about the importance of partnerships at NEC.
Learn more about our iQuarantine solution – a great example of NEC working in partnership.
Is it possible to build a product in 2 weeks?
At NEC New Zealand, we used four types of innovation to assist the government in the development of a new product. Those innovation types included: Network, Product Performance, Product System and Customer Engagement.
Watch Steven Graham talk about the product development process and how we were able to develop a new product in just 10 days.
Partnering with Government Agencies
Partnering with Government Agencies is challenging. In this bonus video, Steven Graham, General Manager, Innovation & Biometrics at NEC New Zealand talks about the challenges of working with Government Agencies and encourages people to “be curious, ask really good questions and let us do our stuff”.
What makes NEC so exciting?
At NEC, we want to push the boundaries of connectivity – people, things, and events on 5G beyond the boundaries of industry and business.
Innovation is in our DNA and we are shaping everyday experiences. Watch our video and find out more about NEC.