Transport Management Solution

NEC is leveraging the power of ICT to solve social and economic issues such as traffic congestion in public transport. By applying the experience it has cultivated over many years of delivering successful projects to customers, NEC is contributing to achieving a more eco-friendly public transportation infrastructure. Transport Management Solution (TMS) is the integration of a number of solutions for effective transport management. These include:

Schedule Optimisation System
This uses the Excess Wait Time (EWT) index to evaluate vehicle operation reliability by measuring the average additional wait time that passengers experience at depots and stops. The closer EWT is to zero the better the regularity and predictability of service.
• Accident Reduction System
Reduce commercial vehicle accidents using vehicle operation data, accident videos and drive recorders and telemetrics.
• Driver Profiling System
Analyse data from fleet systems, driver behavioural data and driver experience data using telematics and sensors to predict increased risks and mitigations such as enhanced driver training.

Schedule Optimisation System

The Schedule Optimisation System (SOS) provides the bus schedules per route that hit the lowest EWT, optimising the bus operator’s corporate asset, such as available fleets and bus drivers. The SOS also considers any restrictions such as bus travel time between stops and between depots as well as labour factors such as break time and maximum working hours. This system is extremely flexible and can be tailored to operators large and small.


Features of SOS

Here are some of the key features of NEC’s Schedule Optimisation System:

Analytics engine and visualisation
Analyse the data to drive optimal asset allocations and vehicle interval regularity. Accidents are predicted using driving behaviour with visualisation of driver profiles, training history and accident prediction.
Data collection and analysis
Regarding travel times, route information, current and predicted vehicle location, driver shift information and driver analytics.

Accident Reduction System

NEC’s Accident Reduction System (ARC) is a solution that aims to reduce commercial vehicle accidents using vehicle operation data and video of accidents and dangerous driving obtained with drive recorders.

The ARC takes advantage of the latest cloud technology as the data centre which records the vehicle operation data is cloud-based and can be accessed from anywhere. This means significant cost reductions can be made compared to an asset management solution (i.e. purchasing software).


Features of ARC

Here are some of the key features of NEC’s Accident Reduction System:

Accident prevention and driver guidance
Data is aggregated and analysed in NEC’s cloud platform and provided to operational managers. This includes data for vehicle acceleration and location. Information such as safe driving instructions can be provided too.
Data uploads
Can include drive recorders, captured video and sensors using mobile. Managers can quickly learn driver’s current situations and make decisions and provide guidance and advice.
Vehicle management cost reduction
By reducing accident counts vehicle maintenance costs and fuel costs.

Driver Profiling System

The Driver Profiling System (DPS) is integrated with NEC’s analytics engine to predict bus accidents, by analysing big data. Analysed data includes fleet information, driving behaviour, and bus driver features such as driving experience obtained from the driver management system. Driving behaviour data is based on onboard telematics sensors installed by NEC, monitoring speeds, accelerators, harsh deceleration, abrupt lane change, travel time etc.


Features of DPS

Here are some of the key features of NEC’s Driver Profiling System:

Predictive Analysis
Accidents are predicted analysing various types of data, not only on driving behaviour and driver attributes but also bus vehicle information leveraged by NEC’s machine learning algorithm.
Analytics Visualisation
Visualisation of driver profiles, training history, and accident prediction results help bus operators to offer their bus drivers effective and efficient training programs.

NEC’s Transport Management solution is a flexible integration of a number of solutions and can be tailored to suit your requirements. Speak to us today and find out how TMS can help your business.

Key features and benefits of NEC’s Transport Management Solution

Ease of use
End-to-end solution for analysing behaviour, predicting accidents and maximising efficiencies
Enhanced driver capability
Know when driver behaviour changes or requires assistance or training
Network using mobile services
Real time data transmission and analysis via mobile networks
Real time intervention and assistance
Avoid accidents and intervene in real time to maximise passenger safety
Schedule optimisation and cost reduction
Using the correct number and spacing of vehicles to minimise Excess Waiting Times and maximise customer satisfaction

Who should use NEC Transport Management System?

With a focus on flexibility, NEC’s Transport Management Solution can be tailored to suit operators and agencies large and small. Our focus is on providing cost-effective solutions that not only tackle customer experience on public transport, but also impact on passenger safety and improve driving behaviour.

Here are some of the main reason why operators and agencies are working with NEC with a desire to provide:

  • Optimise vehicle numbers and operations for increased efficiency
  • Maximise commuter safety
  • Optimise driver performance
  • Predict and avoid accidents, vehicle spacing uses and excess wait time

NEC works with agencies and operators to provide small scale and nationwide solutions to enhance the customer experience and improve safety when travelling on public transport.

NEC Smart Transport Services

NEC is at the forefront of providing technology for the transport industry all around the world.

Through our smart ticketing soultions, our operational intelligence systems, safety and security platforms and customer focused tools, our smart transport services are changing the way we think, plan and undertake our journeys.

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