At NEC, we invest heavily in R&D in order to remain at the leading edge of technological advances across our range of areas of expertise. We have also developed a technology vision which guides our research and development to create new value.
NEC will provide new value through digital transformation while resolving the problems facing the world, society, and customers. We identified three major processes in the use of digital data. The first process is digitising the real world and visualising it in the cyber world. The second is to analyse the problems of the real world using the captured digital data. The third is to apply prescriptions based on the analysis results to the real world in order to achieve new value.
To implement these processes, we at NEC believe that it is important to create outstanding technologies that have a significant impact on society particularly in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT).
You can read more about our innovative technologies below.

Open Innovation Centre
The NEC Open Innovation Centre (OIC) is a state-of-the-art facility which infuses market-leading NEC technologies and a deep partner ecosystem to offer cutting-edge solutions in public safety.
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Ear Acoustic Authentication
NEC’s Ear Acoustic technology is based on the acoustic characteristics of the ears and identifies an individual based on the echo sound characteristics from the ear canal.
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Liveness Detection
Used in conjunction with NeoFace® Facial Recognition technology, Liveness Detection technology uses artificial intelligence to detect whether a subject is a real person or not.
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iQuarantinne App
NEC iQuarantine is a mobile check-in and case management system that allows users to report their location and health status up to three times a day from their own homes.
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Market leadership from NEC